New Retina Mac Book Appears in Early UnBox Video 2018

With the official launch of the new ultra-slim 12-inch MacBook with Retina display still over a week away on April 10, Vietnamese site has managed to get its hands on the brand-new silver MacBook and has shared an unboxing video and photos

The entirety of the video is in Vietnamese, of course, but is still worth a watch to check out the design of the new MacBook, the USB-C adapter, and the edge-to-edge keyboard in someone's hands outside the confines of Apple's media event last month. 

Additional photos from the unboxing can be found on the official website, with the full video located on the site's YouTube channel. The new MacBook launches on July 21, and Apple has yet to announce whether it will be offering pre-orders ahead of that date. 

New Retina Mac Book Appears in Early UnBox Video 2018 New Retina Mac Book Appears in Early UnBox Video 2018 Reviewed by Gamehacks 007 on July 21, 2018 Rating: 5
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